Thursday, August 6, 2015

Let's Try This Again

Well.  That didn’t go quite as planned.

It had been my hope and my intention that I would update this blog often, documenting our transition from part-time to full-time RVers. 

For various reasons, both real and imagined, that did not happen.  And now, well, now I am hopelessly behind on the blog.

How far behind?

Oh, my...this far behind:

1) We have already gotten rid of 98% of our material possessions.

2) We have already sold our house.

3) We are already living full-time in our current motorhome.

Which pretty much means that we already are full-timers.  So much for blogging about transitions.

However, there are several aspects of our transition that I would still like to share, even after the fact.  And there’s a really, really important one yet to come:  the construction of our next motorhome, which will actually be our one and only home.

In fact, that new motorhome begins its journey down the assembly line tomorrow morning.  And what makes this transition even more special is the fact that Art and I will be right there on the factory floor, watching the entire build.  We have ordered a Tiffin motorhome and Tiffin actually encourages their buyers to be in attendance for the build, to take photos and videos, to talk to the workers, to ask questions, to be involved.

It occurs to me that watching our next home come to life right before our eyes may just be the kick in the keester I need to resume blogging.  Now that’s not to say that all that has happened up to this point in time has not been important enough to blog about.  But this new rig, more than anything that has gone before, really represents the change that Art and I are making in our lives.  And so it follows, to me at least, that the building of this new rig is a sure sign that our dream to full-time in an RV has at long last become a reality.  And that, in turn, gives me a renewed sense of purpose for the blog.

As the construction of the motorhome begins tomorrow, both Art and I will be taking pictures and taking notes and then blogging about some of the highlights of the build.

We invite you to check back often to share the progress of our new home with us.

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